
May 11, 2012:

9:35 PM Ticket #174 (GTK UI@N900: backlight does not stay on) closed by Martin Kolman
fixed: fixed in Git
9:33 PM Ticket #173 (GTK UI: poin-to-point routing is broken) closed by Martin Kolman
fixed: fixed in Git

Apr 22, 2012:

1:36 AM Ticket #185 (QML GUI: automatically zoom in/out when holding a zoom button) created by Martin Kolman
1:34 AM Ticket #184 (QML GUI: set fallback location to Brno as in GTK UI) created by Martin Kolman
1:33 AM Ticket #183 (QML GUI: remember last used zoom) created by Martin Kolman

Apr 14, 2012:

5:21 PM Ticket #182 (QR codes for points/coordinates) created by Martin Kolman
* using the geo format: […] * as a VCARD […] * …
1:21 AM WikiStart edited by Martin Kolman
1:16 AM WikiStart edited by Martin Kolman

Apr 11, 2012:

2:40 AM Ticket #181 (QML UI@N9/950: add support for screen blanking control) created by Martin Kolman
*basically just port some code from the N900 device module
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.