
Version 12 (modified by Martin Kolman, 11 years ago) (diff)


BlackBerry 10



building PySide

precompiled PySide binaries

the few changes to the guide that are needed for the whole thing to compile, are described below.

Building Shiboken

comment out tests in these files on around these line numbers:

/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeTestCXXCompiler.cmake :45
/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake :52

Yeah, really - tis means modifying you system installation of CMAKE - make sure to have a backup ! :)

Creating a package If you are getting icon related errors during package installation, ad these argument to the packager:

-e icon.png icon.png


Applications are installed - in paths like this:



Applications are started in a sandbox with some pmeade folder structure. The log folder in the sandbox contains stdout for the program.

Checking out the log

(The path seems to partially random-generated, so don't forget to change it to the path corresponding to you application).

cd /accounts/1000/appdata/ca.microcode.bbpy.HelloWorld.testDev__HelloWorld7b0107f8/
$ ls
app       data      db        logs      pps       shared    tmp

The logs folder contains the logs.

Shared log folder If you don't want to fish for the log folder, you con redirect stdout to a log file in the data/Downloads folder, which should be accessible for all applications.

Helpful commands

Pack, install and run:

blackberry-pythonpackager -package     -devMode    -env PYTHONPATH=app/python/blackberry-py    bar-descriptor.xml main.qml     -e ../icon.png icon.png     -e ../blackberry-py/ blackberry-py/   -debugToken ~/ -device -password super_secret_password -launchApp -list -installApp

Deploy package:

blackberry-deploy -installApp -password super_secret_password -package