Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of ChangelogEN

Sep 29, 2013, 2:56:23 PM (11 years ago)
Martin Kolman



  • ChangelogEN

    v8 v9  
    33[wiki:SystemDownloadEN back to the Download section]
     5=== * modRana V0.43 * ===
     6released: 14.08.2013
     8* Tue Sep 10 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.43.2
     9- fix the annoying "Xlib: unexpected async reply" error
     10 - thanks to Geoff Kuening for helping to find the root cause ! :)
     11- fix navigation messages when using Monav offline routing
     12 - no more "None to First Street" :)
     13- fix route OSD menu
     14- reverse geocoding now uses Nominatim instead of Google
     15- start and destination address display takes aspect ratio into account
     16* Wed Aug 14 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.43.1
     17- address search now works again in GTK GUI
     18- the QML GUI now supports address search
     19- the address search service was switched from Google to Nominatim
     20- the QML GUI should now handle high-DPI screens properly
     21- the design of the QML GUI was improved in some places to be more consistent
     22- multipple background worker threads can be now cancelled individually
     23- modRana now uses 4 space indentation :)
     25=== * modRana V0.42 * ===
     26released: 13.07.2013
     28* Sat Jul 13 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.42.1
     29- add batch tile redownload & update
     30 - accessible from the "Edit" submenu in batch dl menu
     31 - redownload ON -> download all tiles, even when locally available
     32 - redownload OFF (default) -> download only tiles that are not locally available
     33 - redownload update -> download only tiles that ARE locally available
     34- add 32bit (i386) Monav routing server binary by jperon - Thanks !
     35 - this should make offline routing on 32bit x86 machines possible
     36- preliminary support for high DPI screens in QML GUI
     37- fix online routing not respecting directions language
     38- fix tracebacks with some routes from Monav offline routing
     40=== * modRana V0.41 * ===
     41released: 04.05.2013
     43* Thu May 09 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.41.2
     44- fix modRana not showing monav routing data packs
     45- if map folder path is redirected by config file option, the monav routing data folder is also using the redirected path
     46- new option for disabling (almost) all animations in QML GUI
     47 - the option is in Options->UI
     48 - when enabled, page switching becomes ridiculously fast, even on the N900 :)
     49 - dialog animations are still ON, as there doesn't seem to be a clear way of switching them OFF
     50* Sat May 04 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.41.1
     51- modRana is now Python 3 compatible
     52 - Python 2.5 compatibility was of course preserved
     53 - as a result, modRana still works just fine with Python 2.5 on the N900
     54 - Python 3 compatibility should enable packaging modRana for BlackBerry 10
     55- Android compatibility
     56 - modRana with the QML GUI now works on Android
     57 - Android device module has been added
     58 - installable APKs are available
     59 - APK generation script was added to the modRana packaging scripts
     60 - map data are stored in /sdcard/modrana/maps
     61- QML GUI improvements
     62 - theme switching support
     63 - night theme for the QML GUI
     64 - the menu button can now show current mode, as in GTK GUI
     65 - thanks to Wikiwide for the idea & icons ! :)
     66 - finally some buttons in Options (related to theme switching & menu icon configuration)
     67 - fixed centering to the middle of the Atlantic at startup (center on Brno instead :) )
     68 - fixed main map icon now shows only one map layer
     69- automatic tile downloading in GTK GUI should now be faster due to connection reuse provided by Urllib 3
     70- new POI icon
     71- various fixes
    573=== * modRana V0.40 * ===
    674released: 24.3.2013
     76* Sun Apr 14 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.40.3
     77- GTK GUI: pottentially faster automatic & batch tile download
     78 - and other activities, such as online lookups, that use threads
     79 - looks like gobject.init_threads() and gtk.init_threads() was not called before gtk.main()
     80 - as result, Python threads might have run only when some GTK events happened
     81 - this would explain why modRana sometimes downloaded tiles slower with blanked screen
     82- QML GUI: new nested map laer selection dialog that shows all layers
     83 - it now shares with the GTK GUI the same data model
     84 - as result, both GUI now should show the same list of layers
     85* Tue Mar 26 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.40.2
     86- add new coordinate substitution method for layers using quadtree/quadkey addressing
     87- add the VE UKOS layer
    888* Sun Mar 24 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.40.1
    989- map overlay support in QML GUI