Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of SystemFunctionalityEN

Aug 9, 2012, 12:01:32 PM (13 years ago)
Martin Kolman



  • SystemFunctionalityEN

    v14 v15  
    130130== Online routing using Google Directions ==
    132 Online routing  in modRana uses Google Directions. Because of this, it wont work without Internet connectivity, but the results can be saved as tracklogs for later use. While searching for a route, the current mode is respected. For "walking mode" walking directions would be searched, for car mode -> directions for a motor vehicle, etc. In '''options->Online routing''' toll and highway avoidance can be activated.
     132Online routing in modRana uses Google Directions. Its an '''online''' search, so it '''won't work without Internet connectivity''' While searching for a route, the current mode is respected. For "walking mode" walking directions are selected, for "car mode", directions for a motor vehicles are used. Actually, all other modes than "walking"" currently get directions for motor vehicles. In '''options->Online routing''' toll and highway avoidance can be activated.
    134 Start and destination can be sat as points on the map or current position can be used as the start or destination. It is also possible to set the start and destination as an address or decimal geographic coordinates.
     134Start and destination for the route can be sat on the map. It is also possible to route ''to'' and ''from'' the current position. !ModRana also supports address2address routing, POI search results and saved POI can be also used as routing destinations.
    136136[ This video shows how routing in modRana works.][youtube]