Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of alarmLists

Oct 19, 2012, 9:28:12 PM (12 years ago)
Martin Kolman



  • alarmLists

    v1 v1  
     1= Alarm lists =
     3== Idea ==
     4I asked myself a couple questions:
     6* do the alarms need to be bound to POI after all ?
     7* how to easily add an alarm without making a POI ?
     8* how to make it easy for users to add many alarms at once (eq. with a script that generates them from a list of speed-limits/whatever) ?
     10== Result: Plain-text alarm lists ! ==
     11The alarms would be just stored in one or more plain-text files, one alarm per row with CSV notation.
     13Row notation might look like this:
     1951.178844,-1.826189;230;200;1;Stonehenge;Watch for the stones !
     22=== Explanation: ===
     23'''lat''' - latitude in decimal format[[br]]
     24'''lon''' - longitude in decimal format[[br]]
     25'''distance''' - trigger distance[[br]]
     26'''enabled''' - 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled[[br]]
     27'''name''' - displayed name[[br]]
     28'''alert''' - any string other than BEEP or SAY would go directly to text-to-speech, BEEP triggers some default alarm sound, SAY: says whats after the colon (so you can SAY:BEEP :D)[[br]]
     30=== What about elevation ? ===
     31If you don't want the alarm to take the elevation into account - just don't fill it in. :)
     3651.178844,-1.826189;;200;1;Stonehenge;Watch for the stones !
     39=== How to add new alarms ? ===
     40There would be two ways: editing the alarm lists from the outside (just create a valid list and modRana will be able to use it) or interactively inside modRana (create new lists, add alarms from map/poi/coordinates, enabled/disable alarms, activate/deactivate alarm lists).
     42== Implementation progress ==
     43Not yet started. :)