Porting modRana to WebOS
This page documents the effort to port modRana & Mieru to WebOS. Well, actually to port all the dependencies so that both can be run without major modifications.
For example, there is SDL and its Python bindings available for WebOS. So, provided there was a SDL GUI module, it would be already possible to run both right now.
But there is none at the moment and writing one constitutes a major amount of work. :)
What needs to be ported first for modRana to run.
Already ported by THP.
see: http://thp.io/2011/webos/
Qt + QML
Ported by DanRog.
see: http://thp.io/2011/webos/
Needs to be ported.
Qt Components
Needs to be ported, shouldn't be difficult once the rest is done.
Python - DONE
Just using the binaries from THP will do.
Qt - in progress
Following the Qt compilation guide on WebOS Internals:
Compiled a C++ hello world:
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> int main() { std::cout << "Hello world!\n"; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
The compiled hello world binary runs fine on the Touchpad.
Step 2 - DONE
Improving the SDK with some code sorcery files.