Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#29 new enhancement

automatic rerouting

Reported by: Martin Kolman Owned by: Martin Kolman
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: gps Version:
Keywords: Cc: mcepl@…


  • initiate rerouting when current position is outside of a given corridor around the track
  • first alert that rerouting will commence through espeak: "rerouting in 10 seconds <dramatic pause> tap screen to cancel"
  • what algorithm should be used to accurately determine if the current position is inside the corridor or not ?
    • bitmap/True-False array grid ?
    • simplify the track ?
    • test segments of the track, so every n seconds the whole track is tested ?
    • test only the segment to the next point ?

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Matěj Cepl <mcepl@…>

Cc: mcepl@… added

My thoughts:

  • Don't bother with warning ... just when car slides from the route tell "Rerouting" and continue on new route.
  • I guess the last one: when the car is more than n meters from the current segment (or the current one and two neighboring segments), reroute.

Of course, offline rerouting (#32) is probably a prerequisite of this issue.

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