
Sep 25, 2010:

1:47 PM Ticket #46 (N900: use better integrated text input) created by Martin Kolman
* use white text on black background * OPTIONAL: * integrate normal …
1:59 AM Ticket #45 (add a skip button for the step by step routing) created by Martin Kolman
* add a button that skips to the next step for step-by-step navigation …
1:50 AM Ticket #44 (add an directions/espeak output substitution list) created by Martin Kolman
substitute words in Google directions result according to a list

Sep 23, 2010:

10:57 PM SystemDownloadEN edited by Martin Kolman
10:57 PM SystemDownload edited by Martin Kolman

Sep 21, 2010:

1:13 AM Ticket #43 (add 12/24h time format toggle) created by Martin Kolman
12:25 AM Ticket #42 (clicking menu buttons disables centring) created by Martin Kolman
* only drag should disable centring, not button presses
12:09 AM Ticket #41 (Maemo 5@N900: speed incorrect) created by Martin Kolman
* the speed shown by modRana is incorrect by a ratio of about 1.8

Sep 16, 2010:

10:49 AM SystemPlatformsEN edited by Martin Kolman

Sep 14, 2010:

11:47 AM SystemDownloadEN edited by Martin Kolman
11:45 AM SystemDownload edited by Martin Kolman
11:45 AM SystemDownload edited by Martin Kolman

Sep 9, 2010:

10:39 PM Ticket #40 (show version number) created by Martin Kolman
* show version number somewhere :D * currently, modRana does not …

Sep 6, 2010:

2:04 AM Ticket #39 ("pixel zooming" - like in tangogps) created by Martin Kolman
* when there are no tiles for a lower zoomlevel, use enlarged tiles …
1:48 AM Ticket #38 (add "button pressed" feedback) created by Martin Kolman
* add some sort of feedback to indicate that a button has been pressed
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.